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3D cardboard colour-ins UK TRADE

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You'll find images for your website and social media for this specific collection here, or for all our collections hereFor individual Bibabox item barcodes and RRPs click here.

3D Christmas trees:

  • Will keep children entertained for days, colouring/painting/collaging 
  • Available in 10-packs (large tree) and 30-packs (small tree) - super for schools, pre-schools, etc
  • Run a competition for best-decorated tree!
  • Give the kids their own tree (to keep them away from yours!)

Bibabox 3D recycled-cardboard colour-ins:

  • Occupy the kids - getting creative colouring/painting/collaging - and then playing with what they've made!
  • Eco credentials: Materials: 100% natural (cardboard); 80% recycled | Toy-miles:
    1,200km (Germany)

myFibo / myRoodi colour-in working boomerang / frisbee

  • 4 boomerangs - 2 large (harder to throw), 2 small (easier to throw) / 3 frisbees, each a different design
  • Colour it in, then fold-down the flaps and throw (use your wrist)!
  • Frisbees easier to throw than boomerangs (i.e., better for little kids)
  • Safe for use indoors - too light to break anything
  • Eco credentials: Materials: 100% natural (recycled cardboard) | Toy-miles: 1,200km (Germany)

Paper Pet Kits:

  • A meditative 2 hours of cutting, scoring, folding, piecing-together, and gluing. Not for small kids - more of an adult craft that interested kids 7+ will enjoy
  • Bag is not plastic - some are PLA, others NatureFlex - both from plants and compost in 6/3 months respectively
  • Once made, paint, colour, collage, or leave beautifully-white and hang from your ceiling
  • Eco credentials: Materials: 100% natural (card, protective bag is not plastic -
    NatureFlex, from plants, home-compostable) | Toy-miles: minimal (Ireland (Cork))
    Product (click for more info) Unit
    Unit trade
    price excl. VAT
    Unit retail
    price (RRP)
    incl. UK VAT
    Gross margin
    at RRP (%)
    Pack size Pack cost
    excl. VAT

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