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Re-use is the best thing we can do for the environment, so here are party kits you borrow from us (or from others around Ireland via PartyKitNetwork.org), rather than buying single-use!

Our vision is a reusable party kit in every locality, so that borrowing and reusing - not buying and disposing - become the new normal for kids' parties! We started a national network of kits called Rainbow Rentals - then moved the listings to PartyKitNetwork.org, an international site that's so easy to use!

Our party kit is for collection from Raheny, Dublin 5. Not nearby? Find your local reusable party kit on PartyKitNetwork.org.

Step 1: Decide who'll hold the kit:

  • School reception is ideal! Or in your home, or anywhere handy for people to collect and drop-back.

Step 2: Gather your reusable party kit!

  • You'll need: 30 cups, 20 plates or bowls, 20 forks or spoons.
  • Bonus points for tablecloths, reusable garlands, or other useful bits.
  • Try and get them pre-loved:
    • Ask in school/mum/etc WhatsApp groups, school/community noticeboards, Adverts.ie, your local Facebook Freecycle group or Zero Waste Freecycle Ireland, friends/family
    • There's so much sitting idle in people's cupboards, they're delighted to have it used!
    • We could drive to IKEA and buy new tableware and pay them to have all that oil extracted, refined, and processed to make it - but that would defeat the purpose!

Step 3: Let people know about your kit:

  • List it (free) on PartyKitNetwork.org, here
  • Tell your local schools, community centres, places where kiddie parties are held
  • Optional: Use our images for social media, ready-to-print posters, etc, here
  • Optional: join our national WhatsApp support group for kit hosts - message us hello@jiminy.ie 

We recommend charging €5 per rental to cover your costs and give you some pocket money for your effort! Some kit hosts donate this to charity.

COVID concerns? We recommend wash-use-wash-return, and dishwasher rather than hand-washing. Soap and water kill COVID better than most anything else, says the WHO.