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The Big Toy Swap

The toys we sell are as sustainable as it gets for new toys - they're climate-kind and minimal-waste, being made in Europe from natural or recycled materials.

But the most sustainable toy is one that's not new, but reused. One found in granny's attic, passed-on by friends, picked-up at a charity shop, borrowed at your local library - or swapped-for at a toy swap.

We've done quite a bit of work to try and drive more toy reuse in Ireland. We promote toy repair. We've looked into starting our own toy library like Whirli (we couldn't make the economics work, and actually 6 months later Whirli went bankrupt). We've started a national learning/action group to instigate toy collections at local public libraries (with some success so far, in Tipperary and Fingal!).

But 2024 will see one of our biggest dreams about toy reuse come to life - with thanks to part-funding under the Irish Environmental Protection Agency's Green Enterprise programme, a Government of Ireland initiative.

We will be collaborating with our friends at the Rediscovery Centre to run 100 workshops in primary schools and youth groups across Ireland - to empower those children to host their own toy swap - on a new national festival day that we're founding on June 5th: The Big Toy Swap!!

With a Big Toy Swap workshop held for the class or group anytime February-June, to get the kids excited, upskilled, and organised to run their toy swap.

We'll collect numbers from all the swaps, aiming for a total of 10,000 pre-loved toys re-homed. And we have a very special prize for the group that rehomes the most pre-loved toys!


Teachers and youth group leaders: sign-up here for your Big Toy Swap Workshop. We need to run 2 workshops on the same day in the 1 school / centre or local area. More details below. LET'S DO THIS!

About getting involved in the Big Toy Swap

When you sign-up to a Big Toy Swap Workshop, your school/group commits to host a Big Toy Swap in your school or local community space on 5th June, joining schools and groups all across the country in the largest sustainable toy festival ever seen!

Schools will be equipped with comprehensive resources to host their own “Big Toy Swap’’, including how-to guides on toy swap and repair, event organisation, and curriculum integration, plus practical resources like printable posters and images/blurbs for school newsletters.

We recommend benefitting from the press/media noise by holding your Big Toy Swap on 5th June, but if that’s not workable, you can hold it at any time before the end of the primary school Summer term 2024.

The goal of the Big Toy Swap is to provide a fun and sustainable way for children and families to refresh their toy collections without spending money on new toys, and at the same time to reduce waste by giving unwanted toys a new home.

After your Big Toy Swap, send-in your Big Toy Swap postcard, documenting how many lucky toys were re-homed, to be in with a chance of winning a very special prize, to be revealed!

FAQ about the world's biggest sustainable toy festival ever held so far:

Who are the workshops for?

The workshops are available for youth or school groups of 3rd to 6th class age. Primary schools, Irish Girl Guides, Scouts, and other youth groups are welcome to book!

How much are the workshops?

Our workshops are €160 for two workshops in the one school / centre or local area = €80 per workshop. Thanks to EPA funding, we are delighted to be able to offer these workshops at a 60% subsidised rate. The normal price for booking two Rediscovery Centre Education workshops is €400 = €200 per workshop.

When can I organise a workshop?

Big Toy Swap Workshops are available from February to June 2024.

How many workshops can I book?

Your school or group will book a set of two workshops (to happen on the same day) as part of this project. This is so we can afford to send the facilitator out to you. If you represent a small school that only has one class of 3rd to 6th class age, you can collaborate with a nearby school or community group to book your 2 workshops on the same day.

What is the Big Toy Swap?

A toy swap event is a gathering where individuals bring toys they no longer use or need and exchange them with others, similar to a clothing swap or a book swap, but specifically focused on toys. The goal is to provide a fun and sustainable way for families to refresh their toy collections without spending money on new toys, and at the same time to reduce waste by giving unwanted toys a new home.

When you sign up, your school/group commits to hosting a Big Toy Swap in your school or community space, joining schools and groups all across the country in the largest sustainable toy festival yet seen in Ireland! We’ll provide you with all the information and tools you need to organise an event with your school/community. From our events across the country, we aim to give a new home to 10,000 toys!

What does the Big Toy Swap Workshop include?

  • Age-appropriate demonstration of the problem of toy pollution and waste - and the ways in which children and young people can have a big positive impact
  • Hands-on upskilling in simple, commonly-needed toy repairs
  • Getting creative to brainstorm clever ways to rehome used toys
  • The group getting "real work" done together, planning their very own Big Toy Swap for 5th June!

The workshop is suitable for children of 3rd to 6th class ages, and links with the curriculum in a range of subjects including Science, Maths, and Geography.  Participating schools will receive 2 educational workshops, each delivered to a different class in the school.

What is the Rediscovery Centre?

The National Centre for the Circular Economy, and based in Europe's first circular economy demonstration centre, Rediscovery Centre acts as an innovation hub, delivering education, providing research and enabling policy, citizen engagement and collaboration to support community action.

Rediscovery Centre is additionally an accredited Science Foundation Ireland Discover Centre. Their Education Team develops and delivers high-quality education programs and workshops for primary, secondary, and lifelong learners. Their facilitators are all experienced, Garda-vetted educators who ensure participants leave workshops inspired and enthused!

How do I organise a Big Toy Swap?

After your Big Toy Swap Workshop, our facilitators will equip teachers with comprehensive resources to host their own “Big Toy Swap’’, including how-to guides on toy swap and repair, event organisation, and curriculum integration. Send us a message at academy@rediscoverycentre.ie if you have any further questions!

How do I tell you how many toys have been swapped (to be in with a chance of winning a very special prize)?

We have two ways of doing this. When our facilitators visit your school, they will provide you with your very own pre-stamped and pre-addressed #BigToySwap postcard. You will need: your class number or name of your community group, the estimated number of attendees, the number of toys swapped. You simply fill in the questions on the card, and post it back to us!

If you are unable to post the card, we also provide an online survey (link to follow), where you can quickly fill in the numbers of toys you have swapped. You will need: your class number or name of your community group, the estimated number of attendees, the number of toys swapped.

The toys we sell are as sustainable as it gets for new toys - they're climate-kind and minimal-waste, being made in Europe from natural or recycled materials.

But the most sustainable toy is one that's not new, but reused. One found in granny's attic, passed-on by friends, picked-up at a charity shop, borrowed at your local library - or swapped-for at a toy swap.

We've done quite a bit of work to try and drive more toy reuse in Ireland. We promote toy repair. We've looked into starting our own toy library like Whirli (we couldn't make the economics work, and actually 6 months later Whirli went bankrupt). We've started a national learning/action group to instigate toy collections at local public libraries (with some success so far, in Tipperary and Fingal!).

But 2024 will see one of our biggest dreams about toy reuse come to life - with thanks to part-funding under the Irish Environmental Protection Agency's Green Enterprise programme, a Government of Ireland initiative.

We will be collaborating with our friends at the Rediscovery Centre to run 100 workshops in primary schools and youth groups across Ireland - to empower those children to host their own toy swap - on a new national festival day that we're founding on June 5th: The Big Toy Swap!!

With a Big Toy Swap workshop held for the class or group anytime February-June, to get the kids excited, upskilled, and organised to run their toy swap.

We'll collect numbers from all the swaps, aiming for a total of 10,000 pre-loved toys re-homed. And we have a very special prize for the group that rehomes the most pre-loved toys!


Teachers and youth group leaders: sign-up here for your Big Toy Swap Workshop. We need to run 2 workshops on the same day in the 1 school / centre or local area. More details below. LET'S DO THIS!

About getting involved in the Big Toy Swap

When you sign-up to a Big Toy Swap Workshop, your school/group commits to host a Big Toy Swap in your school or local community space on 5th June, joining schools and groups all across the country in the largest sustainable toy festival ever seen!

Schools will be equipped with comprehensive resources to host their own “Big Toy Swap’’, including how-to guides on toy swap and repair, event organisation, and curriculum integration, plus practical resources like printable posters and images/blurbs for school newsletters.

We recommend benefitting from the press/media noise by holding your Big Toy Swap on 5th June, but if that’s not workable, you can hold it at any time before the end of the primary school Summer term 2024.

The goal of the Big Toy Swap is to provide a fun and sustainable way for children and families to refresh their toy collections without spending money on new toys, and at the same time to reduce waste by giving unwanted toys a new home.

After your Big Toy Swap, send-in your Big Toy Swap postcard, documenting how many lucky toys were re-homed, to be in with a chance of winning a very special prize, to be revealed!

FAQ about the world's biggest sustainable toy festival ever held so far:

Who are the workshops for?

The workshops are available for youth or school groups of 3rd to 6th class age. Primary schools, Irish Girl Guides, Scouts, and other youth groups are welcome to book!

How much are the workshops?

Our workshops are €160 for two workshops in the one school / centre or local area = €80 per workshop. Thanks to EPA funding, we are delighted to be able to offer these workshops at a 60% subsidised rate. The normal price for booking two Rediscovery Centre Education workshops is €400 = €200 per workshop.

When can I organise a workshop?

Big Toy Swap Workshops are available from February to June 2024.

How many workshops can I book?

Your school or group will book a set of two workshops (to happen on the same day) as part of this project. This is so we can afford to send the facilitator out to you. If you represent a small school that only has one class of 3rd to 6th class age, you can collaborate with a nearby school or community group to book your 2 workshops on the same day.

What is the Big Toy Swap?

A toy swap event is a gathering where individuals bring toys they no longer use or need and exchange them with others, similar to a clothing swap or a book swap, but specifically focused on toys. The goal is to provide a fun and sustainable way for families to refresh their toy collections without spending money on new toys, and at the same time to reduce waste by giving unwanted toys a new home.

When you sign up, your school/group commits to hosting a Big Toy Swap in your school or community space, joining schools and groups all across the country in the largest sustainable toy festival yet seen in Ireland! We’ll provide you with all the information and tools you need to organise an event with your school/community. From our events across the country, we aim to give a new home to 10,000 toys!

What does the Big Toy Swap Workshop include?

  • Age-appropriate demonstration of the problem of toy pollution and waste - and the ways in which children and young people can have a big positive impact
  • Hands-on upskilling in simple, commonly-needed toy repairs
  • Getting creative to brainstorm clever ways to rehome used toys
  • The group getting "real work" done together, planning their very own Big Toy Swap for 5th June!

The workshop is suitable for children of 3rd to 6th class ages, and links with the curriculum in a range of subjects including Science, Maths, and Geography.  Participating schools will receive 2 educational workshops, each delivered to a different class in the school.

What is the Rediscovery Centre?

The National Centre for the Circular Economy, and based in Europe's first circular economy demonstration centre, Rediscovery Centre acts as an innovation hub, delivering education, providing research and enabling policy, citizen engagement and collaboration to support community action.

Rediscovery Centre is additionally an accredited Science Foundation Ireland Discover Centre. Their Education Team develops and delivers high-quality education programs and workshops for primary, secondary, and lifelong learners. Their facilitators are all experienced, Garda-vetted educators who ensure participants leave workshops inspired and enthused!

How do I organise a Big Toy Swap?

After your Big Toy Swap Workshop, our facilitators will equip teachers with comprehensive resources to host their own “Big Toy Swap’’, including how-to guides on toy swap and repair, event organisation, and curriculum integration. Send us a message at academy@rediscoverycentre.ie if you have any further questions!

How do I tell you how many toys have been swapped (to be in with a chance of winning a very special prize)?

We have two ways of doing this. When our facilitators visit your school, they will provide you with your very own pre-stamped and pre-addressed #BigToySwap postcard. You will need: your class number or name of your community group, the estimated number of attendees, the number of toys swapped. You simply fill in the questions on the card, and post it back to us!

If you are unable to post the card, we also provide an online survey (link to follow), where you can quickly fill in the numbers of toys you have swapped. You will need: your class number or name of your community group, the estimated number of attendees, the number of toys swapped.